Job Review: Full Bath Remodel with Toilet Relocation

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Easy bath and beyond where we talked about bathroom remodeling, and entrepreneurship in Houston, Texas. And today, we're gonna do another review of a full bathroom remodel that we did for a customer. It's a very large, extensive project.
So I'm just gonna go ahead and dive right into it, because it's going to, I'm hoping I can keep this under 10 minutes, but we'll see. Alright, so first thing I want to take you guys to is the actual drawing of this project. And as you can see, this was a full bathroom model. See if I have this is a picture of what the before it looked like. So this is how the bathroom model looks. Now this has taken a step back in the bathroom, this photo was taken probably about right here where my cursor is moving. So there was a wall that's right here. And that went all the way back. And then right behind that wall, right in that same little corridor area was a toilet. So what the customer wanted to do with this with this project, is they wanted to remove that wall. So there was a wall that was right going here to here. And they wanted to remove that wall and the toilet was used to be here, and they wanted to move the toilet to this wall. And then we're the cabinet, their old vanity area was actually right here along that wall facing this way and they wanted to push it over this way, kind of give this whole room just make it look a lot more open versus closed in and how it used to be.
So it was as you can see that it's a pretty extensive project is on the opposite side of this wall that was once there was actually a built in shelf unit that they had in the bedroom. So we had to remove that form and then we had to put this new wall up and I'm gonna dive into all that with some pictures but as you can see from the drawing, this is how we drew out the project for them. This how we drew out the shower and everything and you will be able to see what the final results compared to the drawing of how it all came out. Again, this is the before picture they wanted to remove this further down right here. That was part of the process too. So you want to get rid of that. That was really kind of odd anyway.
So first we digged right into demolition so we tore out the shower area. Not a lot of rot which is great even installation looks pretty good. So that's kind of rare. Usually you see a lot more damage than that. Especially in a towel shower system. So that was actually pretty good to see. This is the wall that we had to ever move. This is before we removed it but a good reason I'm showing this picture is you can kind of see the amount of work that we had to do to move this wall I mean right here you have a vent stack that's going up the pipe right there. And then you have your it was a single sink that they had before so this is just a single drain line for a sink right there and then you can see the supply lines are right here in this area. And then you can see the two electrical gang boxes for the for the vanity lights. So that two lights right there and like go into this area number of looking at the shower removed that kept off the electrical and then you can kind of this is a you can see the copper lines are coming down right here from the ceiling we had a very limited space in the attic in order to even access anything in this room you had to remove the ceiling there's the the attic space was very minimal note no person could really fit in there to get back to where they need to to do work.
Any work that had to be done like with electrical and plumbing, it all had to be done by removing the ceiling. So that that was a big challenge in this project. Then you can see right here where the old toilet used to be. And then again they wanted to move this toilet over in this wall. This behind this wall right here is the bedroom and you can see the flooring for the bedroom right there. And then you can see the some the drain lines right there as well for the sinks. So what we did here is we had to build the new wall new header in place and yes are in right into the last year worked out pretty good. Usually we'll get that up pretty fast. And then we had to move the toy toilet drain. Now, moving a toilet drain is extremely difficult to do, you have to have the right slope as a quarter inch per foot for a slope of the drain. And the problem with that, though, with toilets is that sometimes you just don't have the room for it. Because you can just start poking, you can start be poking up into the actual flooring. Or if you're in a second story, what can happen is you can actually start poking down towards the first floor ceiling. So sometimes the toilet move is not even possible. But it is very difficult thing to do. As you can see here, what a jackhammering had to be done, we had to go way deep into the foundation, because it's a four inch pipe.
For the toilets, it's either three inch or four inch depending on the house pipe, but it's a it's a huge pipe that you have to get a good slope on. And it's very difficult to move. So we don't recommend moving toilets. But of course, in this case scenario, there really was no other option and they were willing to pay for it. So we did a form. And as you can see here, we had to create a new vent stack. So that's what that's what you're seeing here. So we did a we did an event going over here and up into the ceiling and out through the roof. So that's kind of what we did there. And then over here, this is the shower area, we had to redo the drain there for the shower. And then we started closing it all up. Put, we put cement in for the to fill in the holes that we did for the for the jackhammering to move the toilet. Then we had to put the rebar in that wood dowels. So that's the process. And then what we do here is a surface level of the actual area itself. So we self level the entire room that makes the tiling a lot easier and more efficient. Again, you heard me say it in past videos, the this part is extremely important for the shower base. shower bases have to be level they and they should not they should have they should be sitting on a flat surface, not something that has adhesive or being shimmed out it they need to be in a self welding, smooth surface. In order to have the lifespan the expected lifespan, which is a lifetime lifespan for the shower pins.
Only if done right though, that's a big thing. I mean, in this industry, contractors are always trying to cut corners. I mean, I hate to say that, but it's the truth. And this part takes up a whole day, you're not going to self level an area. And like I you know four hours, I can walk on it. I mean, sometimes you're lucky and you can but four hours minimum. Usually it's a whole day usually this is what you wait to the end of the day, then you do yourself level and you come back the next day. So any any company out there saying oh, you know we can do it in a day. They're not self leveling, and that is not a good thing guys, you want you have to self level for the base to operate properly. Here is us moving the the event and also moving the creating to more drains for the vanity area. Then again, it's tied up to the event as well.
You can see the supply lines here we change to open our pecs from the copper. And then we have our our fittings there. So we have let me zoom in. So as you can see a coupling and then it goes down to 90, and then it kind of veers off over here. There's your there's your hot and cold for one sink. And then there's your hot and cold over here for the other sink. So what we always do the we do opener, and then we actually do it to the copper, a copper nub, because that's because Uber opener packs is awesome. But as far as connecting it to a valve is terrible, there's not a good option for opener packs to a valve is just, they just don't exist it what it is, it's all flimsy. It sticks out of the wall. It's like flapping around everywhere. I don't trust it. So what we do is we do open our PECS to a copper nub. And that that gives that Valve a lot more dexterity is not going to be moving around. So that's that's to me the proper way to do any kind of supply lines for a vanity area, or even a tub. You know, you want to do the copper nub for a tub. What we do for the vows for our tubs is we actually get the vows that already have the copper nub installed in them. So it's a lot one's a lot easier to install that way and two is just a lot more secure.
All right, and then again, whenever we set the shower base in the pan, we always take this photo here now This shows the ring and then I can see that black rubber gasket tucked in between the pipe and the and in the ring. Very important, again keeps water from getting underneath the shower pan, which is a common issue that happens a lot. And a lot of times when we see that happen is because someone forgot to do that. So that's why lessons learned from the past, we always make sure we see this going forward. And we haven't had an issue since so. But now sometimes you can get a bad gasket I've seen that happened before. That's just an unfortunate circumstance and but you know, easily corrected with a new gasket and but then he got dry some wet drywall or something that if you had it, hopefully you catch it fast enough. But you will mean if you ever have a bad gasket, you're gonna start seeing like baseboards start to swell up or, or something like that, you'll start seeing signs of water getting underneath the shower pan, you may look outside your house, and you may see some water lines on the exterior wall. That's a common thing. So if you guys start seeing those things, call us for an estimate because you need a new shower or bathroom. If it's not fixable, because I had, you know, if it's sometimes it's the drain itself that cracks and we see that more often than not like a fiberglass shower pan is cracks around the drain area, because that's the weakest point.
So over time, you get a crack there, you may not even see it, it may be like a hairline crack, but water's getting underneath that pan. And then you know it's getting outside your home. And what I see what we've seen, it's kind of funny a couple of times as we'll walk into homes, and we'll see like duct tape on the on the base. But just you know, it works, but it's not a forever solution. And doesn't look that great either, if you have guessed over. But here is the leveling of the shower base, you can see perfectly right there in the middle, what we want to see, again, shower bases have to be level, it's what helps you know that slope is very important in the shower pan, but it only matters if the basis level. And what this does is when running when the water is running, it's the water is gonna it's gonna flow to the drain.
So again, a very important picture here. And you can see here we have a the valve is right here. And that area, that's the valve and then we have a diverter that's going on. Now this is a a three function diverter which means you can control two elements. And so you have your hot and cold going to the valve and then this line is going up to the diverter. And then this is going to one element like the showerhead or the rain can and this is going to the showerhead this is going to the showerhead this is going to the Rankin right there. So you can see this goes up over here, and then it's going into the ceiling. And it's gonna go over here where the shower the Rincon is then we started covering up all the walls and the ceiling. And then we put down the flooring, which actually was this is a tile floor or actually, you know, luxury vinyl tile form looks like real tile, but it's actually a luxury vinyl floor which is really nice. And then we put in the cabinets and then the countertop and the toilet. So it looks really good. And we put it into the head electric mirrors so we put in the electric mirrors for him as well. We had to move the electrical behind the electrical mirrors to and we had of course move the electrical for the venue lights. So we did all of that. And that's the completed shower.
So we build up the shower. We have two recessed niches in here. These are Onyx niches. This is an onyx shower pan. Looks awesome has the SU square drain. So onyx, shower pans can come with a square drain or circular drain. We did an architectural bench that you see here, which looks really, really nice. We have the there's the valve that I was talking about earlier, we have the diverter and then we have an intuition showerhead with the rain can on top. So this diverter I turn, you leave it on where it's at right now. It's just the showerhead you turn it one time, it's the showerhead and the rain, can you turn it one more time, and it's the rain can only so really cool stuff. Beautiful shower, beautiful transformation of the bathroom. And that's that so we have really big project that we undertook customers super happy with everything. Now a project like this is gonna run you around 35 to $40,000 It's a really big project that we had to do especially with moving the toilet. That was a big reason for that jump in cost. But you know, just a really big project took about two weeks to come pleat. And then another week for the glass to get in. So, yeah, that's pretty much that I hope you guys enjoyed this video and taking another look at a project that we completed. And until next time, have a great day.
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