How to Clean a Shower Door in 5 Easy Steps

Maintaining a clean home is important for your health and happiness. One of the most difficult parts of your home to clean in the shower. After all, dirt and marks can easily show on glass, and when you consider that we wash the dirt off ourselves in the shower, it is not hard to see how this part of the home can get dirty easily. With that being said, continue reading for the only shower door cleaning instructions you need. We will take you through the steps to follow, as well as the different products you can use to clean your shower door.
Before we begin this guide, we want to stress to never mix cleaning solutions - each solution we are showing is seperate from another - do not try all at once or at the same time. Mixing solutions together can possibly cause toxic gasses.
How should you clean your shower door?
There are a number of simple steps to follow to clean your shower door:
- Make your own shower glass cleaner or purchase one
You will need to have an effective shower scrubbing mixture in order to clean your shower door effectively. You can easily pick up a glass cleaner in your local supermarket. It is always important to take a look at the ingredients before purchasing. You do not want anything overly harsh that is going to damage the glass. Moreover, with the planet needing all of our help at the moment, eco-friendly cleaners are certainly worth considering.
You may find that you have all of the ingredients you need to clean your shower at home. Ingredients like bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar can be very helpful when cleaning a shower.
- Use a spray bottle to reach those high spots
Once you have put together the perfect shower clean solution, mix it together and pour it into a spray bottle. This will enable you to cover the entire shower glass screen with the cleaning mixture. A spay bottle is incredibly helpful, as it can reach high-up spots that you may struggle to get to ordinarily.
- Let the mixture soak
You need to let the cleaning mixture soak in properly. If you wipe the mixture away too quickly, this will stop it from getting rid of all of the soap scum on your shower at the moment. This means that you may not be able to get the blinding shine that you are searching for.
For the majority of cleaning solutions, you will need to leave it between 10 and 15 minutes. However, for some, such as a mixture of water and white vinegar, you can leave it for up to half an hour.
If you have an acidic cleansing agent, you should not leave this on the shower door for too long. If you do, this can result in streaks being left.
Should you have purchased a shower door cleaner, make sure you read the instructions on the bottle and follow them.
- Scrub away the cleaning mixture
Once the time has elapsed, you should scrub away any of the cleaning mixtures that is left. Any of the solution, that is left should be wiped away softly. If you scrub too hard, it can result in streaks being left.
It is important to use a soft sponge, rather than using a scouring pad, as the last thing you want to do is end up damaging your shower in any way.
A glass window scraper is also a good choice if you have one available. If you don’t, this is definitely something you should pick up, as they are ideal for glass doors and shower screens.
- Rinse the shower
The next step is to make sure that you rinse the shower first. You should also use water to wash away any potential leftover solution. This will make sure you do not have anything left behind on your shower day.
Simply fill up a bucket with water, and you can run this down any glass that is around your shower, ensuring you do not ruin the shine on your door.
This step is also vital if you have used a mixture that has a strong smell, such as an ammonia solution or white vinegar. A final rinse of water can ensure that there are no strong smells that end up overpowering your bathroom.
- Some final touches
Last but not least, you should always use a microfiber cloth or a paper towel to dry any leftover watermarks. If you leave the water to gather on the door of your shower, this can result in mold, as well as other troubling marks on your glass. It is also vital after you have been in the shower.
It is important to try and keep on top of drying your shower door once you have used it, as this is an excellent way of keeping on top of bathroom cleaning.
What should you use to clean your shower door?
There are a number of different ingredients that you can use to clean your shower door. This includes the following:
- Lemon juice - One of the most effective cleaning products that you may already have in your home is lemon juice. Yes, it is perfect for pancake day, yet it is also imperative in terms of scrubbing down your shower doors as well. Lemon is not only highly effective in terms of getting rid of mineral deposits and scum, but it is also imperative in terms of getting rid of streaks from your glass shower doors. Ideally, when you use lemon, you will want to combine it with baking soda, as the acid will generate a reaction with the baking soda. The reaction will generate a foam that is ideal for scrubbing down any part of the bathroom, not just the shower door. Consider using a baking soda and lemon juice mixture next time you clean your shower doors. We are sure that you will be surprised by just how effective this is.
- Ammonia - A lot of people do not realize that they can use ammonia to clean their shower doors. You can combine warm water and ammonia, which will create a powerful cleaner for your shower. Nevertheless, one thing you should never do is mix a bleaching agent and ammonia together, as this can result in incredibly dangerous toxic fumes. Before this is sprayed onto the glass, open any ventilation or windows in your bathroom, as ammonia has a very strong smell. Once your bathroom is ventilated effectively, simply spray the mixture onto your shower glass. After between 10 and 15 minutes, you can use a cloth or sponge to wipe away any of the residue. As always, use a paper towel to dry any of the water stains. **Remember to never mix Ammonia with bleach as it can cause a deadly chemical gas.
- Vinegar - Despite the fact that it may have an unpleasant smell, vinegar is often used for deep cleaning. White vinegar is the best choice. If you combine it with a cleansing detergent, you will be able to easily wipe away pretty much any stain you find in your shower. The main advantage of using vinegar is that it is a liquid, which means it is easy to use, and you can reach all parts of your shower. After you have applied the vinegar solution to the shower screen, leave it so that it cuts through the soap scum and grime. Around half an hour is ideal. Do not leave the mixture for too long because the acidic nature of it can result in streaks on the glass of your shower door. After the vinegar has done its job, you can then use a sponge or paper towels to softly wipe it away. It does not need to cost a lot of money to scrub your shower, as you can easily use ingredients found in your kitchen cupboards! **Remember to never mix vinegar with bleach, or baking soda or Hydrogen Peroxide - any of those mixtures can cause deadly gasses.
- Baking soda - Last but not least, baking soda is one of the best ingredients you can use for cleaning your shower door. If you combine baking soda with a liquid, for example, water or white vinegar, you can create a shower spray that will get rid of even the most stubborn soap scum. First and foremost, you will want to mix the baking soda with water, and then place it in a spray bottle. As mentioned above, this will make it easy for you to reach difficult areas. Once you fully combine the baking soda and water, you can simply spray it around the shower enclosure so that the glass doors can be cleaned with ease. Leave it on the glass for between 15 and 20 minutes. After this, use a sponge or towel to wipe your shower glass door so you can get rid of any of the bicarb and water mixture that is left. There are few mixtures that are as effective as this one when it comes to getting rid of water spots and soap scum. **Remember to never mix baking soda with vinegar as it can cause a deadly chemical reaction.
Final words on cleaning your shower door
So there you have it: everything you need to know about cleaning your shower door effectively. We hope that the tips and advice that we have provided above will help you when it comes to cleaning your shower door effectively. After all, this is one part of your home that you are definitely going to want to keep clean.