The 17 Most Misunderstood Facts About Bathroom Remodels in Houston

When we hope to renew our bathrooms via a remodeling effort and investment, it’s important to get our plans in order. After all, every bathroom is unique, but the functional capabilities we need of them are non-negotiable. This means a careful balance between applying a properly designed aesthetic and making sure the bathroom is comfortable, private, and easy to use is paramount.
One of the best ways of curating any design plan is to make sure you’re never led astray by false impressions or overambition. This is why architects often spend a good portion of their initial design effort showing homeowners just what may be achievable in a realistic fashion, and how to make the most of it.
In this post, we’ll discuss how to bathroom remodel in Houston with care and attention. We will achieve this by helping you to dispel the most misunderstood facts about bathroom modeling you may have otherwise come across.
What seems like a tremendously simple home renovation/remodel is actually quite a complex and refined effort, which is often made clear by how it must be properly integrated with excellent plumbing needs. Let us list the 17 most essential misunderstandings people get wrong:
Common misconceptions and related facts:
Undocumented Workers & Labor Laws
Houston is one of the largest cities in the world. This means that there are many undocumented workers performing bathroom remodels. It’s best that you use registered firms with properly qualified labor. This way, you can make sure that you’re not only investing in proper business practices but that you don’t contribute to the often exploitative nature of companies willing to utilize and underpay undocumented workers.
Houston’s Lack of Basements
Not many properties in Houston carry basements, meaning that the foundation of most homes lay on the first floor. This means that it’s difficult to move drains around the bathroom unless you wish to completely knock down and renovate the space underneath and its associated plumbing network. This is why it’s important to curate your remodeling plans with this in mind.
You Can Remodel Yourself
Houston is a city of creative, hardworking and motivated individuals who enjoy a challenge and have no problem getting their hands dirty with a tough job. That said, unless you have a thorough plumbing/remodeling experience, it’s best to make sure that your bathroom is installed by a professional home modeling service. This way, you can ensure that all features match, that space is properly utilized, and aesthetics need not override function.
Eco-Friendly Bathrooms Aren’t Possible
You’d be surprised at how eco-friendly bathrooms have become, despite them seeming like a room in the house where intensive water consumption comes as standard. From eco-bulb installations giving the room light to opting for shower screen doors rather than vinyl curtains, or using a low-flow model that saves around 5,000 liters of water compared to standard installations, speaking to your home modeling service about which options are available and suitable for your home can be a great idea.
Bigger Is Better
It might seem as though a massive hot-tub bath, a large shower, and an elongated sink can make all the difference when curating a new bathroom. Sometimes, it can. But bigger is not necessarily better. It might be, for instance, that a single-person shower unit installation in your downstairs bathroom could give you room to install a bidet for extra hygiene within the space. As you can see, making the most out of the room you have can be a tremendous help.
Bathrooms Should Be The Last Home Renovation Effort
Many people feel that the bathroom should be the last item on the agenda when renovating their home. It’s not hard to see why, many in Houston are proud of their homes and the beautiful gardens or driveways surrounding it. But it’s also true that your bathroom is not only a room you’ll interact with privately a few times a day (helping to set up and wind down every 16-18 hours you spend awake), but it’s a room where your guests will visit when inviting friends and family over. For that reason, they often represent the hidden confidence of a home.
Remodeling A Bathroom Is Always Expensive
Not so! While it’s true that thorough remodels will thoroughly reflect what you pay for them, it’s true that coming to an arrangement with a home remodel service, choosing select features, opting for mix and match implements and perhaps making the most of the strengths your bathroom already has alongside the remodel can help bring the price down a little.
Form Can Override Function
While large stone sinks or mable-set surfaces and middle-room overhead shower setups in beautiful wet rooms seem like a wonderful choice, it’s always best to opt for whatever the natural space, orientation, lighting and dimensions of your bathroom space suggest that the best way forward will be. If you can be careful about applying your wants and needs, you’re much more likely to find that once function is properly dealt with, a keen designer can implement form atop that. But the priority here must always be weighted on the side of the former, and a great home remodeling service can help you walk that line.
Feature Orientation Can Be Changed/Never Can Be Changed
It’s easy to think that a bathroom is fixed in terms of its feature placements. We have explained above how drain placement is often hard to change thanks to a lack of basements in many Houston homes. However, the services of a competent plumber used in tandem with a bathroom remodeling service may help you move the sink placement, install a bidet if necessary, or swap around the orientation of a room as much as it can be established.
They may also be able to renovate a second-floor room into a new bathroom given the time, affording you further design freedom. So - there are limitations worth considering, but it can’t hurt to see how they can be overcome or mitigated.
The Remodeling Service Will Know Exactly What You Want
While remodeling services/home renovation firms will do their utmost to meet your exacting standards, it’s hard for them to truly integrate every plan you have if you fail to clarify your needs. That’s why it’s best to plan out exactly what you may wish for beforehand, and then ask these services to help you understand how realistic they are. Odds are, with good communication, you’ll come to an even better outcome than you predicted.
It’s Easy To Cut Costs
While it’s possible to save money by implementing simple remodeling features, there’s a big difference between shrewd material choice or negotiation compared to lowering installation standards. Make sure you use a service that will guarantee a job well done with a service warranty, rather than opting for the cheapest solution.
Bathroom Installation Is Mostly A Plumbing Job
While plumbing is an essential part of renovating a bathroom, and a plumber should be consulted, remodeling a bathroom need not fully interfere with the original plumbing work that has already been dutifully installed. Be sure to communicate with the service if you have any doubts as to what your plans may entail.
Swapping Storage For Space Is A Good Idea
When remodeling a bathroom, it’s very tempting to gut the space and take out essential features in order to grant you more navigable room. Yet we’d recommend that at the very least you reconsider or reapply some features you may need. A lack of storage space in a bathroom doesn’t go unnoticed, even if that means installing functional cupboards under your sink area.
Bathroom Remodels Add Little Value To Your Property
Believe it or not, bathrooms are a great indicator to determine the full condition of a property. Remodeling a bathroom, then, is considered one of the best investments any homeowner can take, paralleled only by ensuring the curb appeal of the home is well defined. For this reason, remodeling your bathroom could be a great use of time and money, even if you plan to sell the home soon.
Electricians Can Come Later
It may seem that electricians have little to do with a bathroom outside of setting up the lighting, but sockets for appliances must be well provided for and safely grounded in this space. As such, they must be consulted as an essential part of the design team during a deep renovation.
Negotiations Aren’t Possible
While the prices quoted to you must be respected, it may be that large remodel jobs, renovating two bathrooms at once, or opting for full unit installations of showers and baths could net you a discount. It can’t hurt to ask the service just what payment and promotional options are available.
Tech & Bathrooms Are Incompatible
Believe it or not, smart bathrooms are becoming ever more popular in recent years. From installing televisions in protected casings to smartphone-integrated bathroom/shower controls, all the way up to chromotherapy installations for shower units and impression sensor taps, it might be that your remodeling process can be synchronized with appliances you’d like to see in your forward-thinking home.
With this advice, you’re sure to develop one of the best-remodeled bathrooms in Houston.